
Vue 3-loading-shimmer - Shimmer Filling impact for Vue 3 #.\n\nA customizable Vue 3 component for making packing glimmer impacts.\nInformation.\n\nComponents.\nPersonalized background shade.\nCustomizable shimmer colour.\nPersonalized time period.\nAdjustable path.\nSetup as well as consumption.\nnpm install vue3-loading-shimmer-- spare.\nYou may use register it around the globe similar to this:.\nimport createApp from \"vue\".\nbring in Application from \".\/ App.vue\".\nbring in vue3LoadingShimmer from \"vue3-loading-shimmer\".\n\nconst app = createApp( App).\n\napp.component(\" vue3-loading-shimmer\", vue3LoadingShimmer).\nthen utilize it this in your element:.\n\nAs an alternative, you can use it directly:.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInternet browser with CDN.\n\n\nconst createApp = Vue.\nconst App = \n\/\/ Component code ...\n.\nconst application = createApp( Application).\napp.component(\" Glimmer\", Vue3LoadingShimmer).\napp.mount(\" #app\").\nOn call Props.\nProp.\nClassification.\nStyle.\nDefault.\nDemanded.\nbgColor.\nHistory shade of the wrapper.\nStrand.\n\" #d 3d3d3\".\nmisleading.\nshimmerColor.\nColor of the shimmer effect (MUST BE IN HEX-FORMAT) e.g: \"#RRGGBB\" or even \"#RGB\".\nCord.\n\"

ffffff".incorrect.timeframe.Timeframe of the glimmer computer animation in milliseconds.Variety.1400.incorrect.path.Direction of the glimmer result." left-to-right", "right-to-left", "top-to-bottom", "bottom-to-top"." left-to-right".inaccurate.Individualize the part through leveraging these props to meet your particular needs.Github.Viewpoint Github.